The program SW2 Black-and-white fantasy is intended only for Sony SmartWatch 2.This application will allow you to get some ingenious and beautiful dials for your watch.Almost all the dials contain a date, widgets that contain both analog and digital watches.
Make your watches individual and unique.
Currently the app includes the following widgets:- Analog dials: black - 5x5 (17), 4x4 (3), 3x3 (3) white - 5x5 (8), 4x4 (2), 3x3 (2) - Combined dials: black - 5x5 (6) white - 5x5 (3)
Note!If after the update you can't see dials it is recommended to reinstall all the dials.The most extreme method is to do a full reset of the watches and reinstall the application, this method helps in 99%.
Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2